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Arts Integration
Highland Arts Elementary is dedicated to an arts integrated curriculum. Our school is the "arts school of choice" for Mesa Unified School District. We believe that thinking like an artist allows students to engage fully in the learning process, explore knowledge and feelings through the arts, and become a confident capable citizen.
More about Arts Integration
Gifted and Talented
Mesa Public Schools Gifted and Talented department is committed to providing appropriate services for students who require differentiated educational services beyond those normally provided by our regular school program. Opportunities for depth and acceleration are offered to meet both affective and cognitive needs of our gifted and talented students.
More about Gifted and Talented
Music Education
The MPS Music Education Program provides support services for all elementary schools. The primary focus of the various programs is to develop comprehensive musicianship. We truly believe that a grounding in the arts will help the children of Mesa grow wiser and become solid, productive citizens for life.
More about Music Education
Paws and Peers
Mesa Public Schools is proud to participate in the Paws & Peers school therapy dog program. Paws & Peers seeks to meet the social and emotional needs of Mesa Public Schools students and staff.
More About Paws & Peers
Xplore is an exciting, extended-day program for Kindergarten (must be 5 years old) to 6th grade students in Mesa Public Schools. Children will experience a variety of instructional and recreational activities, including academic support, engineering, science, virtual reality, athletics and more.
More about Xplore